Today’s Marking – Venus in your hands

Venus is the feminine area of your hands, the big fleshy mound where your thumb is attached (see short video). Look at your hands in that area, see if you can find a 6-pointed star or a fingerprint! These are not common but you never know!

Click here to watch the video.

Master path = Enjoying luxury, pleasure, fun, delight, sensuality in your life! Without over-indulging, of course. Also play and romance, fun-loving, charming.

Student path = Over or under-indulging in these things. Denying yourself fun, pleasure, delight. Going back and forth between over-indulging, then feeling guilty and under-indulging. Porn or sex addiction, shirking responsibilities in favor of playing. Or, for example, constantly reading romance novels but never dating.

Note – much more detail in the video!



Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR white egrets at the pond in Belmar Park last week! Holy moly, I’ve only seen one at a time before this walk. Maybe it was egret mating day, what do I know!


To Schedule Your Hand Analysis with Jayne click here.


Now available on Amazon.


Where’s Jayne?

Tribe of Unicorns Podcast – Finding Your Purpose with Scientific Hand Analysis with Jayne Sanders – Purpose Whisperer. Click here to listen.

Happy Talks with Dr. Alice and Donovon – Ep. 68 – Uncovering Purpose With Hand Analysis – Jayne Sanders. Click here to watch now.

The Dreambuildrs Podcast – Jayne Sanders: The Importance of Living on Purpose and How To Find Yours. Click here to watch now.

October 5, 2021 – Speaking for DU Alumni 6:30pm, private event


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Copyright © Jayne Sanders and Purpose Whisperer | All rights reserved.
