[Hand Analysis] Which one are you?

Today’s Marking – Hand Shapes The shape of your hand describes your overall approach to life, and yes, it is common for people to have a combination. Here are the 4 basic shapes and just a little of what they indicate (in pure form, not combination): Earth hand

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[Hand Analysis] Do you have any of these?

Today’s Marking – Geometric shapes and intersections Yes it’s true! Many hands contain boxes, squares, grilles and/or bubbles. And like everything else in the hands, they all mean something relevant to their location. I have traced one of each of these shapes onto the image here, then described

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[Hand Analysis] Warrior lines?

Today’s Marking – A Mars line A Mars line is almost like a Mars Star gift marking, indicating the potential for extra courage. Mars is the masculine area of the hand. It is the sideways triangle above the thumb and inside the curved life line. A Mars line

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[Hand Analysis] Permission or unsolicited?

Today’s Marking – Solution Brain Where: See the photo…Solution Brain is indicated by the originating end of the head line getting pulled up by the Jupiter finger. Master Path: Solution brains see solutions! They can easily identify what needs to be done and take action. They excel at action-planning. Great

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[Hand Analysis] Very rare indeed

Today’s Marking – Fingerprint on Jupiter Mound Where: The Jupiter mound is at the top of the palm, just below the index, or Jupiter finger. Jupiter is all about power, leadership, and influence. In Greek mythology, Jupiter was the God of the gods, top dog, head honcho, the boss.

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