Today’s Marking – High Self-Expectations Where: See the photo… This marking shows up as little boxes or a grid, perhaps lop-sided, on the mound at the top of the palm just under the index (Jupiter) finger, on either hand or both. What: High Expectations of Self means
Read more →Today’s Marking – What do your Apollo (ring) finger zones have to say? Some basics: Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines. Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages, or stress in the area
Read more →Today’s Marking – Hand Shapes The shape of your hand describes your overall approach to life, and yes, it is common for people to have a combination. Here are the 4 basic shapes and just a little of what they indicate (in pure form, not combination): Earth
Read more →Today’s Marking – Geometric shapes and intersections Yes, it’s true! Many hands contain boxes, squares, grilles and/or bubbles. And like everything else in the hands, they all mean something relevant to their location. I have traced one of each of these shapes onto the image here, then
Read more →Today’s Marking – Solution Brain Where: See the photo. Solution Brain is indicated by the originating end of the head line getting pulled up by the Jupiter finger. Master Path: Solution brains see solutions! They can easily identify what needs to be done and take action. They
Read more →Today’s Marking – Independent Thinker Line Where: See the photo…for only 30% of the population, the headline and lifeline (below your index finger and above your thumb) are separate at their roots. Most people’s headline and lifeline are attached together at this starting point then split. See
Read more →Today’s Marking – The Selfishness Line Where: See the photo…A Selfishness line, also called Anti-Agent line, is a short horizontal line in the Jupiter mound, below the index/Jupiter finger. It is truly horizontal, not slanted, and therefore a “no” line stopping relevant energy. What: The Selfishness line
Read more →Today’s Marking – Fingerprints between your fingers In the next few editions, I will explain fingerprints sometimes found in the palm of the hands, at the top in between two fingers. Over half my clients have at least one fingerprint in their palm. Today let’s look at
Read more →Today’s Marking – Mars in your hands The Mars mound: This area, on both hands, is the sideways triangle above the thumb and below the index finger, inside the life line. Master path = Oh brave one! If you have purpose or a gift marking or a
Read more →Today’s Marking – The Color of Your Palms Where: Everyone’s palms have a tinge of one of these colors… everyone of any descent! Like every other marking in the hands, the color of your palms means something too. I’ve not included handprint today because you can’t see
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