[Hand Analysis] What Could That Possibly Mean?

Today’s Marking – Dangling X Click here to watch the video. Where: See the handprint…Dangling X or X’s hang from the heart line, usually under the pinky (Mercury) finger or in between the ring (Apollo) and pinky (Mercury) fingers. What: They indicate feelings of betrayal (in your mind), by spouse,

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[Hand Analysis] Tons of Creativity!

Today’s Marking – The Professional Artist’s Line Click here to watch the video.  Where: See the photo… A very long Apollo line running from just below the ring finger all the way down the palm vertically MASTER: One of the basics of hand analysis is…the longer the

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[Hand Analysis] Are You Stopping Your Own Inner Power?

Today’s Marking – The Selfishness Line Where: See the photo…A Selfishness line, also called Anti-Agent line, is a short horizontal line in the Jupiter mound, below the index/Jupiter finger. It is truly horizontal, not slanted, and therefore a “no” line stopping relevant energy. What: The Selfishness line indicates 2 things:

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[Hand Analysis] One Way Ambition Can Show Up

Today’s Marking – Jupiter lines Where: Starting at heart, head, or life line going up to index/Jupiter finger. It can even stand alone, as long as it angles up toward Jupiter. What: Drive, ambition, achievement Jupiter in mythology was the top God, head honcho, main dude. You could say all

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[Hand Analysis] The Last Ones at the Top!

Today’s Marking – Fingerprints between your ring and pinky fingers Where: At top of palm between ring and pinky finger, either hand Today let’s look at fingerprints between your ring and pinky fingers, called Apollo and Mercury in hand analysis. Many of my clients have prints in this spot,

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[Hand Analysis] Between Those Means This

Today’s Marking – Fingerprints at the top and middle of your palm Where: At top of palm between middle and ring finger, either hand. Today let’s look at fingerprints between your middle ring fingers, called Saturn and Apollo in hand analysis. Many of my clients have prints in this

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