Today’s Marking – Multiple Mercury lines (Mercury is the pinky finger, both hands). As I wrote last week, owning a Mercury line is an indication you have asked the big questions…Who is God? What are my spiritual beliefs? Who am I, why am I here? We hand
Read more →Today’s Marking – Mercury lines (Mercury is the pinky finger, both hands) Owning a Mercury line is an indication you have asked the big questions…Who is God? What are my spiritual beliefs? Who am I, why am I here? We hand analysts call it the Spiritual Seeker.
Read more →I want to give you this document that teaches you how to determine your Life School! Your Life School is one of the 3 most important elements in your hands. It (or they, as many people are in more than one school) is similar to a computer’s
Read more →Today’s Marking – Ring of Solomon Oh my goodness I was so good at ignoring this! Since I can remember, I had a sense about people. Were they good, honest, compassionate or creepy, slimy, mean. I just knew. I can remember distinctly a time when, at around
Read more →Today’s Marking – Solution Brain Where: See the photo…Solution Brain is indicated by the originating end of the head line getting pulled up by the Jupiter finger. What: Solution brains see solutions! They can easily identify what needs to be done and take action.
Read more →No matter our circumstances, especially during these surreal and tenuous times, please remember and use the two most powerfully positive energies — love and gratitude. Use them intentionally, every day. Before getting out of bed in the morning, before going to sleep at night, feel gratitude for
Read more →Today’s Marking – High Self-Expectations (very high!) Where: See the photo…This marking shows up as little boxes or a grid, perhaps lop-sided, on the mound at the top of the palm just under the index (Jupiter) finger, on either hand or both. What: High Expectations of
Read more →Today’s Marking – 4 more little Apollo lines Where: See the photo…Apollo refers to the ring finger, either R or L hand. Going from L to R: Practical Artistry – This creativity line is being influenced by Saturn, the middle finger. It indicates creativity impacted by practicality,
Read more →Today’s Marking: Geometric shapes and intersections Yes it’s true! Many hands contain boxes, squares, grilles and/or bubbles. And like everything else in the hands, they all mean something relevant to their location. I have traced one of each of these shapes onto the image here, then described
Read more →Today’s Marking – Medical Stigmata Gift Marking Where: See the handprint…on the mound at the top of the palm just below the pinky, or Mercury, finger. This gift marking consists of at least 4 short vertical lines, as seen and pointed out on this handprint. What: The
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