Today’s Marking – Head Line Length Where: The head line is the second-from-the-top relatively horizontal line across the hand, originating from below the pointer finger and above the thumb. Where it ends determines how much time you spend in your head! And more… Long: See the print below – stops
Read more →Today’s Marking – Thumb Angle Where: See the handprint…notice how wide the angle is between the thumb and the index (Jupiter) finger. And you can see there is still room to pull the thumb down even further to widen the angle more. What: Thumb Angle of Opposition
Read more →Today’s Marking: Passionate Heart Line Diamond Where: See the handprint…it’s the diamond shape at the top of the Passionate heart line just inside the middle finger. What: People with a Passionate heart line (swoops from side of palm under pinky finger over and up to just
Read more →Today’s Marking – Mars Mate Selector Where: See the handprint…it’s the quiet little curved line (marked in purple) starting on the underside of the heart line under the middle finger, reaching down into the Mars area of the hand below the lifeline and under the index finger.
Read more →Today’s Marking – What do your Mercury (pinky) finger zones have to say? Some basics: Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines. Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages, or stress in the area
Read more →Today’s Marking – What do your Apollo (ring) finger zones have to say? Some basics: Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines. Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages, or stress in the area of
Read more →Today’s Marking – What does your middle finger have to say? (Relevant to hand analysis, that is, hee hee) Some basics: Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines. Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages,
Read more →HEADS UP! If you love travel, want to travel, or want to travel more, I encourage you to Check this out. Or if you want a side gig that’s fun and offers amazing benefits. Truly, I am very proud of the value of this new business I
Read more →Today’s Marking – Finger Zones – Introduction Oh yes! Everything in the hands means something. Not only the fingerprints and lines, but shapes and the size, width and length of all 3 zones of all 10 fingers. I could write a little book about the finger zones and
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