[Hand Analysis] Very rare indeed

Today’s Marking – Fingerprint on Jupiter Mound Where: The Jupiter mound is at the top of the palm, just below the index, or Jupiter finger. Jupiter is all about power, leadership, and influence. In Greek mythology, Jupiter was the God of the gods, top dog, head honcho, the boss.

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[Hand Analysis] The fun stuff

Today’s Marking – A Fingerprint in the Venus Zone Where: The Venus zone is the fleshy mound just inside of and below the thumb. It is the feminine area of the hand. Venus is all about luxury, play, fun, delight, sensuality, and romance.   Click here to watch the

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[Hand Analysis] Ooooo, betrayal!

REQUEST – Anyone in the Front Range area interested in a FREE hand analysis? You can earn one by hosting a private event for me! I speak for 20 minutes or so, give everyone a mini-reading, and quickly make a special offer on a full hand analysis.

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[Hand Analysis] What this odd little line means

Today’s Marking – The Selfishness Line Where: See the photo…A Selfishness line, also called Anti-Agent line, is a short horizontal line in the Jupiter mound, below the index/Jupiter finger. It is truly horizontal, not slanted, and therefore a “no” line stopping relevant energy. What: The Selfishness line

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