Attention entrepreneurs! The very popular and excellent Achieve Biz Building Summit is coming very soon, Feb 3-4, in Denver! Here’s the scoop, and this link will give you a free VIP ticket! If it doesn’t, don’t register and reply to this email to let me know.
Read more →ANNOUNCEMENT – I believe everyone should know about this. Not everyone will be a fit, but it’s a gift of fun, joy, 4-5 star experiences and memories that I can’t give unless you have the information. Please take a few minutes to watch this short video! Then contact
Read more →ANNOUNCEMENT – Travel is going bonkers and Dream Trips is growing accordingly. Is one of your 2023 goals to increase your income? Would you like 4-5 star travel at unbeatable prices? If you answered YES to either of these questions, just take a few minutes to watch
Read more →Today’s Marking – Pluto in your hands Below your ring and pinky fingers, between your heart and head lines, lies Pluto. And no you won’t see Goofy or any long floppy ears in there! Pluto is not very big, maybe 1-1.5 inches square at most. See the video
Read more →Today’s Marking – The Moon in your hands Across the hand from Venus, from your thumb, and below your ring and pinky fingers is the Moon area. It is the outer, lower quadrant of each hand. The Moon is all about intuition. And, about other dimensions, the
Read more →ANNOUNCEMENT – People are joining us right and left! Travel is going bonkers and this company is growing accordingly. Is one of your 2023 goals to increase your income? Would you like 4-5 star Travel at unbeatable prices? If you answered YES to either of these questions,
Read more →Today’s Marking – Mars in your hands The Mars mound: This area, on both hands, is the sideways triangle above the thumb and below the index finger, inside the life line. Master path = Oh brave one! If you have purpose or a gift marking or a fingerprint
Read more →Today’s Marking – The pinky fingers, holders of the intimacy zone and communication I am completing the process of giving you the 30,000-foot description of what each finger relates to in your life. Soon I’ll cover the areas of the palm and what they indicate. Today is
Read more →ANNOUNCEMENT – People are joining us right and left! Travel is going bonkers and this company is growing accordingly. Interested in earning a side income – full time, part-time or spare-time? Would you like 4-5 star Travel at unbeatable prices? If you answered YES to either of
Read more →Today’s Marking – About your middle fingers I am in the process of giving you the 30,000-foot description of what each finger relates to in your life. Today is about the middle, or Saturn, fingers. Keep in mind that I am giving just a high-level view of the
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