Today’s Marking – High Self-Expectations (very high!)
Where: See the photo…This marking shows up as little boxes or a grid, perhaps lop-sided, on the mound at the top of the palm just under the index (Jupiter) finger, on either hand or both.
What: High Expectations of Self means just that. Boy can you be hard on yourself! Believe me I know, that’s my handprint you’re looking at, and I have this on both hands. I expect a lot of myself and I’m still learning how to give myself a break. People with this marking are high-achievers, driven, prone to perfection…the attempt that is, as perfection does not exist so why go nuts trying?! Life has been a lot more joyful since I started working on reducing my drive and having more fun. And guess what…my business keeps growing too, along with my joy and fulfillment, isn’t that interesting. 🙂
Master Path: Learn that “good is good enough” so you don’t drive yourself crazy and/or burn out. Recognize (yourself and/or with help from a friend or partner who will gently call you on it) when you are pushing pushing pushing and in over-achiever mode.
Student Path: The opposite of Master Path above, beating yourself up, and, projecting your expectations for yourself onto others, when those expectations have nothing to do with them! Only you are meant for those expectations, but on the student path it’s hard to see that and hard to digest that we are being unrealistic and hard on others. Then we get disappointed when others don’t live up to our expectations for ourselves. Hello!
A FASCINATING TIP – Have you seen the documentary What The Bleep? Here’s what I remember about it…a quantum physicist conducted an experiment wherein he filled, let’s say 10, of the same glasses with the same kind of water, labeled them with different emotions, and had volunteers project each specific emotion onto it’s corresponding glass of water. After some time, all the water in the glasses labeled with negative emotions turned murky. He therefore proved that negative emotions change the molecular structure of water. Remember, you are 70% water! Stop being mean to yourself.
I had so much fun doing my interview for THE LIST national TV show on ABC! It aired this past Monday March 9th and they’ve already asked me to do another interview on another topic. if you’re interested in seeing it, just go here to their YouTube channel:
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To Schedule Your Hand Analysis with Jayne click here.
March 19, 2020 – Speaking for  Rising Tide at noon, Littleton, public welcome
April 8, 2020 – DU Alumni workshop 6:00pm
May 6, 2020 – Speaking for SheLeads Ft. Collins, 11:30am, public welcome
May 13-14, 2020 – Speaking for Polka Dot Powerhouse, Foothills Chapter, 3 meetings
May 21, 2020 – Speaking for Ladies Who Lunch, noon meeting, public welcome
More to come!
Copyright © Jayne Sanders and Purpose Wisdom | All rights reserved