Today’s Marking – Armoring
Where: See the handprint… Armoring refers to extra lines just below the heart line.
What: Armoring indicates extra emotional protection, hiding behind the castle wall. Most people with armoring have been hurt, and then build protection around their heart and emotional life to avoid being hurt again.
Master Path: Strong boundaries for protection that do not go too far, they just indicate reasonable caution and discretion.
Student Path: Avoiding intimacy, keeping people away from you so you won’t be hurt again. The tricky part is not knowing that intimacy is exactly what you crave, but the armoring keeps it away from you!
How do I know? Because I have armoring! Over time, starting early in life with a couple big ‘hurts,’ I started building up the walls around my heart. Keeping some people at a distance while others I would nearly smother with attention and affection. During the long period between my marriages, over 20 years, I was ‘dumped’ so many times! In hindsight I was picking the wrong men, and of course at the time it was all their fault…ha!! I too had intimacy issues and didn’t recognize it. I was reading about and ‘doing’ all kinds of personal growth, but ignored the intimacy stuff because that wasn’t my issue…so I thought! Once I realized what I was doing, I took action and got some help. The armoring is now breaking up on my heart lines and certainly has loosened up around my heart, yay!
No this isn’t a photo from last year, it’s from last week, September 8th! Certainly the earliest snow since I’ve lived in Colorado. It was 93 in Lakewood the day before, then a front swept in and temps dropped into the low 30’s overnight, so a 60 degree slide. It melted within 2 days, and the day I write this, the 11th, it is 69 degrees outside! The next week will be in the 70’s and low 80’s, so usual September weather. Last week was just a curve ball to test us!
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To Schedule Your Hand Analysis with Jayne click here.
September 17, 2020 – Speaking for Business Honoring Spirituality, Mile Hi Church, 7:00 bi-monthly meeting Zoom, guests welcome
September 29, 2020 – Speaking for Connecting You With Yourself, 6:30pm Zoom, guests welcome
More to come!
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