Today’s Marking – What do your Saturn (middle) finger zones have to say?
Some basics:
Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines.
Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages, or stress in the area of life that zone represents.
Last edition I covered the Jupiter, or index finger. Today we’ll talk about the topline of what each zone in Saturn, or the middle finger, represents: (Overall, Saturn is about responsibility)
The lower zone is about ethics, morality, integrity, values, authenticity, nature, land resources.
The middle zone represents material security, money in the bank.
And finally, the upper Saturn zone is about abstract resources…intellectual property, metaphysical systems, research, music, chemistry, science, psychology.
In the image above, my client certainly has an affinity for the abstract systems considering the size of the top zone of her middle/Saturn finger. I do happen to know, after I did her analysis, that she is quite metaphysical.
The middle zone has both vertical and horizontal lines, suggesting possible up and down money security.
The lower zone is compromised, indicating she may have challenges with being consistently authentic and/or true to her values and ethics…and may have issues knowing what these are.
All prints are a snapshot in time, so her fingers may print differently if she took them today.
Can you make out the big black water bird in this photo, with its wings spread wide? Not sure what to think about that guy! Just one of my many critter sightings along Bear Creek!
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To Schedule Your Hand Analysis with Jayne click here.
New date TBD – speaking for National Trusted Advisors annual conference on Law of Attraction, Albuquerque, NM
September 2, 2020 – Speaking for SheLeads in Ft. Collins, 11:30am, public welcome
August 11, 2020 – Speaking for Connecting You With Yourself in Golden, CO, public welcome, register here
More to come!
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