Today’s Marking – The Gifted Healer/Coach
Gift Markings are indications of extra potential talent in different areas, and they are very important to know about.
Why? So that you can use them to help fulfill your purpose and make the difference you are meant to make!
And, important because if you don’t know about them and/or don’t use them, they can wreak havoc in your life trying to get your attention. You know, those cosmic 2×4 kicks in the butt, or life complications, yuck. Each gift marking kicks you a little differently if you’re not using it to help you fulfill your purpose.
Where: See the photo… The Gifted Healer/Coach, or Medical Stigmata, shows up as short vertical lines, at least 4 of them, immediately below the pinky finger of either or both hands.
What: Some people experience this gift as the capacity to use hands-on healing like a doctor, nurse, acupuncturist, energy worker, massage therapist, etc. However everyone with this gift, on the master path, has access to intuitive psychological insights about people that they are meant to share, often, with permission of course. I have this gift on both hands, and with more than 8 vertical lines on each mark. That means I am meant to help other healers…people who help others through physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual healing. I’ve been coaching for years and this is one of the ways my coaching skills show up in my hands. If people have gravitated to you for advice, or if strangers pour their hearts out to you, check your hands carefully, you may have this gift!
Student Path: You will be on the Student Path when you aren’t sharing these insights enough, aren’t aware of them, or are sharing them without permission. What does student path look like? Intimacy issues, first with yourself, then with others. This can lead to challenging and dead-end relationships.
I am on the mend! I want to share good and bad with you.
Many of you know I was involved in a serious horse riding accident on August 8th (which is why there wasn’t a newsletter last week in case anyone noticed). A dog off-leash charged my horse, who naturally spooked big and fast. I was knocked unconscious and have no memory of anything after I saw the dog charging toward us, and only bits and pieces in the emergency room. I spent over 5 days in the hospital with a badly broken clavicle requiring surgery on the 27th, 5 broken ribs (2 of them displaced both front and back), punctured lung, and concussion. Thank God I had my helmet on. I would include photos of my bruises but they are a bit too shocking…my right chest and shoulder, creeping into my armpit, and my entire right side from waist down to knee were all sorts of black, purple, blue and green and still changing color.
And on top of all the pain, cost, and inconvenience, I won’t get to ride for at least 8 weeks, which breaks my heart. I had been riding 5-6 days a week.
My message? Dadgum it, follow leash laws people! The only times I have fallen off a horse were caused by dogs off-leash. The owners would always say, “wow I didn’t know my dog would do that.” I’ve seen dogs killed by horses or badly injured. Not to mention the riders. Leash laws exist for several very good reasons. Please consider everyone else around you, not just the freedom you would like your dog to feel.
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September 2, 2020 – Speaking for SheLeads in Ft. Collins, 11:30am, public welcome
More to come!
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