Today’s Marking – What do your Jupiter finger zones have to say?
For the next five editions, I will be helping you learn what you fingers might have to tell you…about you! Look at each section I describe, and see if you have vertical or horizontal lines (not joint creases) in each section.
Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines.
Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages, or stress in the area of life that zone represents.
So, starting with the index, pointer, or Jupiter finger, here is the topline of what each zone represents:
The lower zone is about family or turf, family pride, tradition.
The middle zone is called the yacht zone, representing pride in material things, also ambitions and goals.
And finally, the upper Jupiter zone is about principles, ideals, and altruism.
In the image below of my right-hand fingers, the lower and middle zones of Jupiter have yes lines, meaning family is or has been important to me, and that I have ambitions and am goal-oriented. The lines in my upper zone are broken, however it is so much larger than the other zones that the resulting indication is that my ideals and principles are very important to me. The breaks could represent changes in my ideals in the past.
However, the middle zone also has a big horizontal right across the middle (pointed to with blue arrow), indicating that I may be goal-setting challenged, which I have been, and that material things don’t matter very much to me, which for the most part is true.
What do your Jupiter fingers have to say about you?
Lilacs and snuggling kitties, what a lovely view from my desk! And delicious fragrance! This was the last batch of lilacs I was able to nab before they dried up for the season. There are bushes at the barn where Darby is, and on the property where I live, I’m so lucky.
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How To Read Your |
To Schedule Your Hand Analysis with Jayne click here.
New date TBD – speaking for National Trusted Advisors annual conference on Law of Attraction, Albuquerque, NM
July 1, 2020 – Speaking for SheLeads in Ft. Collins, 11:30am, public welcome
August 11, 2020 – Speaking for Connecting You With Yourself in Golden, CO, public welcome, register here
More to come!
Copyright © Jayne Sanders and Purpose Wisdom | All rights reserved