Today’s Marking – What do your Apollo (ring) finger zones have to say?

Some basics:

Multiple vertical lines in a finger zone means you are open to that energy, they are “yes” lines.

Horizontal lines are “no” lines, indicating resistance, delays, blockages, or stress in the area of life that zone represents.

Last edition I covered the Saturn, or middle finger. Today we’ll talk about the topline of what each zone in Apollo, or the ring finger, represents: (Overall, Apollo is about creativity)

The lower zone is the “schmooze” zone, so if this prints large or looks large when viewing your hand, it means you’re likely good at networking. A very large area indicates you might be a ham and need to be the center of attention. If this zone is small, you may be shy.

The middle zone represents practical creativity, such as jewelry, furniture, interior, or clothing design…tangible application of your creativity.

And finally, the upper Apollo zone is about the critic’s eye, working with creative concepts, helping people reframe their perspectives. If it’s a strong zone for you, you may see what others don’t, and if a very big zone, you could be eccentric, or ahead of your time. If the upper zone for you is small, you may be a conformist to avoid feeling rejected, if the upper zone has horizontal lines or damage, that indicates you may be super-picky or critical.



Look at this beautiful bald eagle! It flew across Kendrick Lake in Lakewood and landed in a tree on the other side. My friend and I were walking around the lake and made it to the other side in time to take a few shots before it flew down and chased a goose off the frozen lake. I have no idea what that was about, but then it flew back and left the area, heading west. Such a great sight to see and what a way to ring in the new year!



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Jayne was a podcast guest of Entrepreneurship by Design with Dr. C.
discussing how to uncover your gifts and purpose through hand analysis.
Click here to listen.


Jayne was a guest of The DEEP Life podcast.
Click here to watch on YouTube.  Click here for Apple | Click here for Spotify.


Jayne was a guest of Divine Journey’s podcast with Berni Slowley.
Click here to watch on YouTube.


Jayne was a guest of Dr. Caroline Iscovitz podcast.
Click here to watch on YouTube.


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Copyright © Jayne Sanders and Purpose Whisperer | All rights reserved.
